Next Generation
Ages 3 months - 12 years old
Each Sunday and Wednesday, your child will learn how to fight the “Good Fight of Faith” and learn about their covenant with God through a relationship with Jesus in an age-appropriate way. The life messages are fun and approachable and taught by committed anointed teachers who co-labor with God by serving you and your kids. We also seek to help equip parents to train their children in the “Way They Should Go” through resources like family guides for our lessons, weekly activity sheets, and resources and articles from the Body of Christ addressing parenting. Ultimately, the goal of Next Generation is raise a righteous seed in the earth and get kids excited about Jesus and living for Christ.
Junior & Senior High Ages
This ministry (IGNITING a Fire In The Hearts of Youth for Jesus Christ that cannot be hid) it's dedicated to teaching 13-18 year olds how to live in a pressure packed generation by employing the Word of God in every area of their lives.
Ignite meets every Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Ignite Center.
Minister J. Harris
Director of Next Generation Ministries