Get Involved

Thank you for your interest in joining the Ministry of Helps!  We believe that true joy comes when you are a benefit outside of yourself.


We encourage every member of Lighthouse to get to know their church family by volunteering to work together in the ministry of helps. All Helps Ministry Workers must be active members of the church for three months before being eligible to participate in a helps ministry, having received Jesus as Lord and Savior, baptized with the Holy Spirit, and baptized in water.

The following ministries are currently seeking volunteers:

  • Sound/ Audio Technician

  • Next Generation (ages 3 Mos - Sr. High)

  • Music Ministry ( Praise Team, Musicians)

  • Outreach Ministry (Prison, Street Ministry, Nursing Home, Rescue Mission, Youth Corps)

  • Media Ministry

  • Cleaning Ministry

  • Hospitality Ministry (Greeters)

  • Ushers Ministry

  • Personal Workers Ministry (Altar Call Response Prayer Team) 

The executive office will contact you upon receipt.

Thank you for your willingness to serve!


Prison Ministry

This ministry takes the Word of God behind bars throughout the state of Alaska to break the bonds of wickedness and to liberate those who've been taken captive by satan.

Our church ministers at Mclaughlin Youth Correctional Center, Anchorage Jail, Cook Inlet Pre-trial and Hiland Mountain Women's Prison